What do we offer?
Advertisement in SS IPTV is a video clip with duration up to 30 secs (or static full-screen banner), which is shown users before app starts. Ad may be geotargeted and impressions quantity per user may also be limited.
Why us?
Price. Large audience of SS IPTV allows us to carry out ourselves advertising campaigns, which ad networks are obliged to engage dozens of sites for. And as we offer direct advertising on our own an platform, our prices are much lower than
the average on the market.
Exclusivity. We show users not more than one ad clip pre session. This approach helps to ensure, that your ad won't be "lost" in the sequence of other ad clips and its efficiency will be the most.
Quality. Many Ad Networks seeking for saving on video ads' traffic try to reduce ad clip's quality as much as possible. And if it may be acceptable for general internet resources, it is absolutely inadmissible for Smart TVs as low video quality is very
conspicuous on the large screen and it causes users' backlash. That is why we are sure that ad clip's bitrate must be at least 2 Mbps.
Reliability. In order to control advertising campaign SS IPTV user technical platform of reputed Video Ad Network, so you can get independent evaluation of impressions quantity.
What do we know about our audience?
Our users are men and women of any ages which likes TV watching! That's perhaps the only thing we can say about our audience with complete confidence. Nevertheless, ad experts believe that Smart TVs' owners are the persons with high income.
According to our survey about 60% of our users are dissatisfied in some extent with the internet or TV quality. It makes this catagory (telecommunitcation services) one of the most advantageous for advertising in SS IPTV.
More than 60% of our users are in the age category between 25 and 45, 23% among them in the age category between 30 and 35
The app is launched about 250 thousand every day (more than 6,5 million sessions monthly)
TOP-10 countries by sessions' quantity (December 2016):

Italy - 1 317 608

Russia - 1 126 111

Mexico - 1 111 010

Ukraine - 730 644

Brazil - 595 755

Belarus - 271 290

Germany - 178 714

Spain - 162 708

Portugal - 129 681

Kazakhstan - 88 901
Our prices
South America
$6/per mille
15 seconds
Bitrate 2 Mbps
Minimum budget $500
€10/per mille
15 seconds
Bitrate 2 Mbps
Minimum budget €300
$10/per mille
15 seconds
Bitrate 2 Mbps
Minimum budget $1000