For Google Chrome browser the extension may be installed from Chrome Web Store
After installing extension you need to connect the TV, which you will send video to.
There are 2 types of extnestion's connecting to the TV:
- Partial - allows to add retreived links into device's playlist.
- Full - allows to run the app from browser and to play retreived links in one-click. Full connection may be not available for some devices.

This will make full connection for LG webOS and Samsung Tizen TVs, but partial for other models.
In order to set full connection with LG NetCast, it's necessary after partial connection to wait for notification which requires to enter additional code and to enter this code when it appears on TV into the corresponding field. Then press Enter Code button.
- Open the video you want to send on your TV
- Click the SS Play's icon at the right side of address bar
- In a couple of seconds pop-up menu with the video's name and additional items will appear. Choose Add to playlist for adding video into your playlist or Play for immediate playing.
- Open the video you want to send on your TV
- Click the SS Play's icon at the right side of address bar
- In a couple of seconds pop-up menu with the video's name and additional items will appear. Choose Add to playlist for adding video into your playlist or Play for immediate playing.
Yandex Disk
- Open web-interface of Yandex Disk and mark the video you want to send on your TV. You may select only one video.
- In right floating pannel set Share link
- Click the SS Play's icon at the right side of address bar
- In a couple of seconds pop-up menu with the video's name and additional items will appear. Choose Add to playlist for adding video into your playlist or Play for immediate playing.
Note! This section is aimed only for users, which have some web-programming skills.
Each instruction consists of three rules: name rule, source rule and logo rule. The only required one is source rule. In case of lack of name rule web-page's name will be used. Each rule represents one or several included one into another commands, which must return name, video url or logo url after compliting.
Besides that instruction may have domain name, which will restrict its applying and content type, which defines the link as a VoD (with seeking feature) or live-stream.
The list of supported functions:
- isEmpty(expression, if_yes, if_no)
The function returns if_yes if expression is an empty string, otherwise if_no. - title()
The function without arguements, returns the title of current web-page. - url()
The function without arguments, returnes url of current web-page. - replace(string, pattern, expression)
Makes replacement in string using regular expression pattern for the value defined in expression. - match(string, pattern, if_yes, if_no)
Matches the string using regular expression pattern, in case of match returns if_yes, otherwise if_no. - httpGet(url)
Returns text received during HTTP GET-request to defined url. - xpath(path, target, attribute)
Executes xpath-request in the path to the target (to the root if not defined) and returns tag's attribute with the name from attribute variable (if not defined returns tag's content) - urldecode(string, arg1, arg2, …)
Decodes string, if there are no other arguments returne decoding resulst. If there are items 2, 3, 4 etc, it condsiders expression as an array of variables and returns first non-empty item. - getJSONValue(string, path)
Considers string as json - object (parses), and interprets path for getting the value of json-object's varialbe.
Double quoted string constants and concatenation operator + are also supported
Will return “No title” if page's title is not defined or page's title in other case.
isEmpty(title(), "No title", title())
Will return constant "22".
getJSONValue("{\"abc\":{\"cde\":[21, 22]},\"f\":23}", "abc.cde[1]")
Will return value of attribute src from the tag video with id main_player
xpath("//video[@id='main_player']", "", "src")